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New Battery houses for ferry

By FMS, Nyheter, Projekt, SSE, Sventab

Sound Supplier loaded new battery houses in Helsingborg for the ferry Tycho Brahe.

The transport went to the shipyard in Landskrona. Two successful trips were made.


Just finished

2021 oktober

Sweden, Landskrona and Helsingborg

Sound Supplier with captain and crew



By FMS, Nyheter, Projekt, SSE, Sventab


SSE/FMS Multicat Ship Sound Horizon salvages sunken ship at Göteborgs Maritiman.
Our dive team dives into the cold icy water and the subcontractor lifts with a mobile crane together with Sound Horizon’s own large crane.

Sound Horizon datasheet

Just finished

2021 Feb

Maritiman Gothenburg, Sweden

Mulicat Sound Horizon
SSE/FMS Diveteam
Subsupplier Havator with mobile crane


Reunion Island

By FMS, Nyheter, Projekt, SSE, Sventab

Nouvelle Route du Littoral

SSE Multicat vessel Sound Supplier is assisting with the construction of the new “Nouvelle Route du Littoral” in Reunion Island.

Sound Supplier is now in its 5th year on the project. Our Commander Aaron serves here 1 month at a time alternately with his work with us in Malmö.

The project is published here:
Pictures Re Union Road Project

In Progress

2016 – 2021


Reunion Island

Sound Supplier with Swedish and International crew



By FMS, Nyheter, Projekt, SSE, Sventab


This interesting and challenging project has now started and we are happy to be a  part of it and post our first news.

Femern A/S is the client for the Fehmarnbelt tunnel, which is being undertaken by the two main contractors, Fehmarn Belt Contractors (FBC) and Femern Link Contractors (FLC). T

We have so far performed  works for FBC such as: anchor handling and IWS (In Water Survey). The client is satisfied and we continue!

The project is published here:

On going

2020 —

Rödby – Puttgarden

Länk till Marine Service Partners – Joint Venture

FMS and Frog Cygnus perform Hull cleaning on SCA OBBOLA

By FMS, Nyheter, Projekt, SSE

FMS and Frog Cygnus perform hull cleaning on SCA OBBALA.

Increased fuel consumption of a vessel can often be due to the hull being overgrown. One quick and effective method to remove this is to clean with the help of high pressure water and ROV.The cleaning can normally be carried out at the quay during the ship’s loading and unloading. The marine fouling is removed without damaging the hull color. Furthermore, with planned cleaning intervals, environmentally friendly ship paint can be used.




Frog Cygnus with crew
HULL operators

Working for Copenhagen Malmö Port AB

By Projekt, SSE



SSE has worked for CMP, Copenhagen Malmö Port AB

– Extension of quay 1002
– Installation of styrbalk/wale
– Drilling of 24 piles
– Casting of inner piles
– Filling behind pipe sheet piling

– Diving team
– Sound Prospector
– Subcontractor PEAB Grundläggning
– Subcontractors, 2 welders

New pier in Vikhögs Hamn

By Projekt, SSE



Vikhögs Hamn

– Dredging to -2,5 meters
– Piling/frame of new breakwater/pier
– Completing piers on the docks
– Delivery of decking, screws and bolts

– 4 man team
– Sjögrip
– Pontus
– Björnpråmen

Work for the Øresund Bridge Consortium

By Projekt, SSE



SSE has worked for ÖSB – the Øresund Bridge Consortium

– Installation of inspection sheet piling
– Dredging/exposing of the underground seam
– Production and installation of sheet piling
– Placing sheet piling
– Inspection of tunnel seam from top to bottom

1 diving team
Subcontractor dredgers, Sound Supporter, Sound Horizon, subcontractor PEAB Grundläggning

Demolition of wind park Yttre Stengrund

By Projekt, SSE

Pictures from Vattenfall’s website



Vattenfall’s wind farm Yttre Stengrund, Karlskrona

SSE as prime contractor has successfully completed the dismantling of five wind turbines. We have dismantled and lifted down the rotor blades, turbine and tower. We have aslo chopped off foundations in level with the seabed.

This is the first time in the world that an offshore wind farm gets dismantled!

Link to Vattenfall’s news article:

Link to Vattenfall’s press release:


By Projekt, SSE



Ängelholm Rönne brygga by “åpromenaden”

We have built and completed a big and elegant pier, 55 x 7 meters, along “åpromenaden” by newly built house with apartments.

Oil Harbour, Karlskrona

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has successfully salvaged and destroyed a fishing motor vessels on behalf of the Swedish Enforcement Authority.
The ship was in poor condition and two large mobile cranes helped SSE lift ship on land.
Destruction has taken place and the certificate of destruction has been issued.
Karlskrona municipality are very pleased with the vessel removed.

Repair of the caisson, West Harbour Helsingborg

By Projekt, SSE

Västhamnen Helsingborg

SSE has successfully conducted extensive repair of caisson after collision damage.
We have water roughly squared away the damaged part, built new molds and shed new caisson in several stages.
The workforce consisted of Dive Team 3 man and the project period was 8 weeks

2014 – Marine resources

By Projekt, SSE

Two of SSE Construction Vessel have worked in Morocco.

TYMBS- Tanger Med II

Sound Solution and Sound Horizon has positioned and towed caissons and barges.

2014 – Karlskrona

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has renovated and improved the quays to Fortifikationsverket.
The resource has been working vessels Frida and Filip with Dive Team.


By Projekt, SSE

Our new dredging department has implemented many dredging projects during 2014.

– Dredging at Ringhals AB
– Environmental Dredging support fillings Strabag Gothenburg
-Dredging CMP Malmö
– Completion of the stone breakwater Kemira Helsingborg
– Dredging at Lomma Municipality
– Dredging Port of Trelleborg
– Dredging Trelleborg Municipality
– Dredging Ystad Municipality
– New dredging, driver of erosion Skanska FL10 Trelleborg
– Clean dredging in e.g. smaller ports south

2014 – Marine resources

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has performed the transport of service technicians at Lillgrund wind farm park for Vattenfall AB.
The resource has been service vessel Sound Enterprise.

Pålslagningspontonen, Bjorn

By Projekt, SSE

SSE performs piling and bridge construction on a large number of places:

– Limhamn, stern Piles
– The lagoon, bridge and aft piles
-Lundåkra Port, aft Piles
– Norreborg, stern Piles
– Höganäs Harbour, stern Piles
-Strandhem, Stern Piles

2014-10 – Helsingborg harbour

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has performed repair of caisson for collision damage to the port of Helsingborg . We have water roughly squared away the damaged part , built new molds and shed new caisson in several stages.

The workforce consisted of Dive Team 3 men and the project period was 7 weeks.

Trelleborg harbour

By Projekt, SSE

SSE is a subcontractor for Skanska Sweden AB for the construction of new ferryport , FL10 .

Our mission:

Bottom of Form crest beam approximately 400 lpm , dredging and grading for erosion control , placement and positioning of approximately

110st link plates A 11 tons, the casting of approximately 4000m2 erosion control , construction of 11st bottom boxes for fender foundation.


2-3st Dive Team

Sjögrip incl. Tugboat , barges and excavator.

Sound and mobile crane Stabiliser


By Projekt, SSE

MarCon Group has acquired Stockholm Water Entreprenader AB. SVENTAB engaged in a similar business as MarconGruppen preferably in Stockholm / Mälardalen.

We are confident that the acquisition will be positive for both operations and our ambition is to position SVENTAB as the leading diving service company in the

Stockholm region in the same way as other companies in MarCon- group is on their geographical establishment


By Projekt, SSE

Svensk Sjöentreprenad was commissioned by the Swedish Enforcement Authority in Malmö successfully salvaged fishing motorboat Sundland that ran

aground at Lernacken at Oresund Bridge four years ago . The boat was cut in several pieces. The work has been conducted with the Dive Team and

working from the ship M / S Frida and mudderfartyget M / S Sjögrip with barges. Several tons including scrap and over 250 m3 of wood is lifted from the ocean floor .

Screen lances and absorbtions have been used to trap residual oil. All waste has been left to our subcontractor who issued the recovery certificate


By Projekt, SSE

SSE has worked with the replacement of lead weights for Skanska in the south-west link. Our equipment has been the raft Pontus by crane and workboats .

The workforce consisted of Dive Team 4 men and the project period was five weeks.

Visingsö harbour

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has installed new fenders in Visingsö port adapted for Transport Administration’s new ferry  Gränna – Visingsö

Kårehamn vindkraftpark, Öland

By Projekt, SSE

SSE has together with Baltic Offshore successfully worked on a wind farm project about 16 wind turbines and two export cables about 5 km east of the Kårehamn in eastern Öland.

Swedish Sjöentreprenad has been responsible for:

– Diving work
– Indent of the cables in the foundations
– Lifting and transport of materials necessary for indented to / from fundamentals
– Excavation and backfilling of cable trench and splice pit at the abutment

The work has been conducted with Dive Team, Jack-up Sound Prospector and workboat Sound Provider.

Vattenfall – Klagshamn, Lillgrund vindkraftpark

By Projekt, SSE

Svensk Sjöentrepenad has worked with Vattenfall and successfully uncovered a damaged export cable, investigated the cable and finally covered

the new cable with stone to protect it from external influences. The work has been conducted with Dive Team and work from Sound Supporter and

excavator on Sjögrip and tugboat Sound Castor with barges.

Lillgrund – Klagshamn

By Projekt, SSE

The new Fast Crew Supplier, a Twin Axe hull type, will be delivered in the end of November. It will be stationed
in Klagshamn and transport service engineers and spare parts to Vattenfall’s Offshore Windfarm site Lillgrund.
The new vessel will be in time charter for Vattenfall.

KEMIRA – Helsingborg

By Projekt, SSE

Construction of a new lead lighthouse on the east breakwater at Kemira Kemi in Helsingborg has started.
Here they are pouring concrete to construct the base for the lighthouse itself. Done by SSE’s own Sjögrip.

Helsingborg – Wharf repair

By Projekt, SSE

2011-04-21 Repair work is being performed on wharfs in the North Harbour.

We are replacing the existent lumber including main and secondary joists, decking, steps and handrail.

Västervik – Quay repairs

By Projekt, SSE

2011-04-11 The Skeppsbro quay and surroundings are projected to profile Västervik as a marine city.

We are carrying out quay repairs including driving new sheet piling and casting a new head beam.

Rustningshamn – Water mains

By Projekt, SSE

2011-03-18 New water mains to the island of Ven.

Pipe laying and new distribution chamber at the harbour of Rustningshamn.

Dredging and excavation is performed by our contracting vessel Filip with a excavator on deck.

Göteborg – Göta älvbron

By Projekt, SSE

2010-07-15 Repair work on parts of the bridge. New manufacturing and completion of rejects works in wood and steel are carried out and the repair of joint pain and wooden footbridges. Our own Jack-up rig Jack III is ideally suited for the work.

Maintenance of offshore wind turbines

By Projekt, SSE

2009-12-01 The offshore wind power makes special demands on the equipment and the personnel involved. The environment we work in is often very vulnerable with their special circumstances which require a high level of safety of all involved.

SOUND PROSPECTOR, SOUND STABLISER and SOUND SUPPORTER working here together to ensure that our customers get the service they ask for in a successful and cost-effective manner.

That we ensure the demands of the international market for offshore work has been inspected by the company Noble Denton.